Heather Bell 


Our life is like a jig-saw puzzle, each deed and act a piece,
It's only when our life is done, the puzzle is complete.
With every piece we have the choice, a light or dark addition,
Will it be light, as Jesus light, or dark as sins condition ?
With every single act or deed, there are two pieces for our puzzle,
With Jesus leading every choice, our finished life should dazzle.
But often we are deaf or wilful, and lose that shiny section,
And fill the gap with off-white bits, a sign of satans intervention.
In any given situation you could choose a piece so lavish,
Be sure when it's fitted in, it's not a heap of rubbish.
Our finished puzzle is mostly white, with bits of grey and black
But Jesus precious blood was shed, to bring our puzzle back.
To glorious white o'er laid with red, to show He has forgiven,
Our darkest, blackest sins of life, for Christ is truly risen.
But we must truly seek His way, confess our sins to Him,
And walk the narrow way of life, our white jig-saw to win.


What a contradictory lass I am,
 How hard I learn my lessons.
I pray each night to God above,
To mould me in His fashion.

I want to be as He would have me,
I'm willing for His moulding,
Then next I'm moaning loud and long,
That's not MY plan unfolding !

I ask the Lord to guide my life,
His will for me to do.
Then something happens I don't like,
And I think He's made a 'blue'.

I hate the lonely days and nights,
Each night is like a week.
I hadn't planned to live like this,
Yet my Lords will I seek.

So now I know just what He means,
With His refining fires.
Now I'll be pleased to stay alone,
If that's what He requires.

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